Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Best eating plan to lose weight!

I just wanted to share the importancy of certain foods, this is by far the best meal plans i ever came across since i've changed the way i eat i truly have so much more energy.Now although some of these may sound like a good thing (especially if you’re a farmer!), we need to consider how GMO foods respond in our bodies and what kind of long term effects they can have on our health.

Well, because the introduction of GMO foods is still relatively new, we’re in a way being used as “guinea pigs” in a massive experiment (Yikes!). In April 2007, Arpad Pusztai, from the Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen, UK, announced that experiments had shown intestinal changes in rats caused by eating genetically engineered potatoes (and I don’t know about you, but I’m not happy about anybody trying to mess with my intestines).

This actually doesn’t surprise me. So many people complain of things like irritable bowel syndrome and other nagging digestive problems. I’m not saying that eating GMO foods is the only cause for these conditions but I’m sure it’s a significant contributor (along with processed foods, but that’s a story for a different day).

Ok, so what if you’re able to get non-GMO corn? (Which it is difficult to know which brands and items are GMO and which are not) where does corn fit into your DSP meal plan?

First, your body reads corn as a grain, NOT a vegetable so if you are to include it into your meals, this will be the grain (carbohydrate) for your meal. So having corn and brown rice would be having 2 grains in one meal. This is not necessarily off limits and not “bad” in any way, just consider if you are someone who is sensitive to grains, you will lose weight faster by greatly reducing the number of grains you eat each day. You may want to take 2 – 3 weeks and follow the “no grain” meal plans in the Diet Solution manual and see if that helps break through any weight loss plateaus and/or helps your digestion.

*The Truth about Corn:
 are corn and foods made from corn allowable on The DSP?

Well, the answer is yes, BUT there are a few details you need to know first (you didn’t think I was just going to leave it at that, did you?)

It’s been approximated that about 60% of the corn, now in the U.S., is genetically modified (although, I do think this number is higher now). The practice of genetically modifying corn began in an attempt to make corn crops resistant to certain pesticides. This helps the farmer because they are then able to grow a larger crop because it is easier to fight off pests (they can spray the crops with pesticides and get rid of insects without damaging their crop).

Sweet corn has also been genetically modified (now called Bt-corn) so that it produces a poison which kills harmful insects. This means the farmer no longer needs to fight insects with insecticides.

What about microwave popcorn?

Well even the organic varieties contain preservatives (of course to keep them in the bag) and have been shown to contain the same chemical coating in the bag that is used on non-stick cookware (double YIKES!). I would stay away from this stuff.

How about air popped popcorn?

This is your best bet and can definitely be used as an occasional snack. But notice I said “occasional”. Remember most people lose weight faster by decreasing (not necessarily eliminating) many grains. Snacking on popcorn every day could and most likely will, impede your weight loss efforts.

I hope this information helps you to make a more informed decision at your next barbeque and at your next movie night. Remember, corn is not off limits by any means, just remember you’re looking for the non-GMO varieties and including it as a grain and not a vegetable into your meal plans.

*Sample Workout To Get Your Fat Loss Engines Going
Multiplanar Movements are exercises that ensure you are moving in all dimensions (Forward and Back, Side to Side, and Rotation).  Why do you want to do this?  By choosing exercises that move your body in all directions you will be increasing your fat loss results exponentially.

Let’s say you wanted to train your legs and butt.  A typical Leg Press machine would just have you working in the Forward and Back direction.  But what if you chose to do a Squat instead? Here’s how you could hit all directions:

1.Basic Squat – Feet shoulder width apart and sit back as if you were going to sit on a bench and then use your legs and butt to come back up to a standing position.  (Forward and Back)
2.Side Squat – Perform the same squatting movement but now step out to the side, alternating left and right, with each squat. (Side to Side)
3.Sumo Walk Squat – Go down into a squat position and walk forward and back like a sumo wrestler would. (Rotation)
As you can see, this will take A LOT more muscles than just a plain old leg press and give you much, much better results.

This is exactly what Dr. K does for all of his patients and includes these workouts in his incredible Double Edged Fat Loss Program.

I asked Dr. K if he could give my readers a sample workout so you can try this method out for yourself.  You’ll not only see what a kick butt workout this is, but also, how quickly you’ll experience awesome results.

Mediterranean Roast Turkey
2 cups chopped onion (about 1 large)
1/2 cup pitted kalamata olives, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup julienne-cut drained oil-packed sun-dried tomato halves
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 1/2 teaspoons bottled minced garlic
1 teaspoon Greek seasoning mix
1/2 teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 (4-pound) boneless turkey breast, trimmed
1/2 cup fat-free, less-sodium chicken broth, divided
3 tablespoons arrowroot powder

1. Combine first 9 ingredients in a crock pot. Add 1/4 cup chicken broth. Cover and cook on low for 7 hours.
2. Combine remaining 1/4 cup broth and arrowroot in a small bowl; stir with a whisk until smooth. Add broth mixture to crock pot. Cover and cook on low for 30 minutes. Cut turkey into slices.

*Makes 8 servings. Serve with brown rice or quinoa

Almond Crusted Chicken
The almonds turn this otherwise ordinary chicken dish into a crunchy, nutritious meal that packs a healthy dose of vitamin E and fiber.

1 egg white
3 teaspoons water
6 ounces boneless, skinless chicken breast, pounded thin
1/4 cup sliced almonds, coarsely chopped
Celtic Sea Salt and pepper to taste

1. Whisk egg white, water, salt, and pepper in small bowl. Dip the chicken breast into the egg mixture and dredge in almonds.
2. Heat a skillet over medium heat and lightly coat with unrefined coconut oil.
3. Sautee chicken on one side over medium heat for 3 minutes. Turn and cook for an additional 3 to 4 minutes, until cooked through.

Diet Solution Program > Recipes > Desserts > “Cocoa-Nut” Bananas

“Cocoa-Nut” Bananas
*4 teaspoons of organic cocoa powder
*4 teaspoons of toasted, unsweetened coconut
*2 small bananas, sliced on the bias

Place cocoa and coconut on separate plates. Roll each banana slice in the cocoa, and shake off the excess. Then, dip banana in the coconut.

Spaghetti Squash & Turkey Meatballs
Spaghetti Squash & Sauce
1 spaghetti squash (4-5 pounds)
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
6 plum tomatoes, chopped
½ cup crushed tomato
2 tablespoons tomato paste
½ cup fresh basil leaves, finely chopped

1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Wrap the whole squash in foil. Place it on a baking sheet and bake for 1 to 2 hours, until tender when pierced with a fork, turning the squash over halfway through cooking. Set aside to cool.
2. Heat a medium nonstick skillet over medium heat. (You can use butter to aid in the cooking.) Add the onions and garlic and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, until softened. Add the plum tomatoes, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, and basil. Simmer gently for 15 minutes. Set aside.
3. Make the turkey meatballs (see below). Pour the tomato sauce that you set aside previously over the meatballs in the baking dish. Cook for 10 more minutes.
4. Cut the cooked spaghetti squash in half. Remove and discard the seeds. Scoop out 3 cups of squash from the shell. (Reserve the remaining squash for future use). Arrange the squash on a serving platter and top with the meatball-marinara sauce mixture.

Turkey Meatballs
1 lb ground turkey
1 egg, beaten
½ cup sprouted grain bread crumbs
1 tablespoon worcestershire sauce
1-2 cloves garlic (depending on how much you like garlic)
1 teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon red pepper flakes
1 teaspoon salt

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2. Mix all ingredients together in bowl, roll into balls.
3. Place in baking dish.
4. Bake for 15 minutes, or until cooked through.



Monday, April 25, 2011

Recession Proof Your Life!!!: Best Eating Plan To Lose Weight!!

Best Eating Plan To Lose Weight!!: " Hello everyone i just want to began by introducing myself. My name is Sareena saulter born and raised in Detroit all ..."

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Best Eating Plan To Lose Weight!!

                       Hello everyone i just want to began by introducing myself. My name is Sareena saulter born and raised in Detroit all my life. I love food so very much my Great Grandmother and Grandmoters allways cooked from scratch ,there's nothing liked so umm umm good to my stomach and thats how i like to cook today. I'm not gonna sit here and say that i don't cut a little corners but i do but when i cook my main joy i get is seeng my family happy and enjoying it. I make sure when i cook i put total love into it, i know that my grandmothes have put total love into there's. I trully mis there cooking.
                      My whole reason for this blog and the talking of food is in 1988 i was diagonoised with Lupus Nephritis and since that point i had to change the way i eat for instance hot dogs, sausages,lunchmeat and a lot of other processed foods i was unable to eat. It was an hard task sometimes i did i sometimes i did'nt. I was 18 when i was diagnoised with lupus i'm 42 yrs old now and altough it was just as important then, ight now today in my life it's even more important.
                     I became very interested in how different foods and medicines affected my body so i started doing research on different things from food to  med, so i want to share with you all some things that i know will also be very helpful to you all to and how important that Organic foods are for our health. Sugar is your enemy for instance bet you did'nt know orange juice, salad ressing,wheat bread, muffins this is just to name a few it turns straight to sugar. There are carbs that help you burn fat Breads made with Sprouted Grain,rice,spelt,millet and Quinoa also sweet potatoes with a little butter and cinnamon. Do you know that there are Good Fats and Bad Fats Fats that will cause you to gain fat are Hydronated Oils,Canola Oil, Margarine and substitute butter. That really scared me because all i use to buy is margarine or the imatation butters and wow canola oil was my thing.You wouldn't believe that real butter is an fat you must eat to lose fat also whole eggs, coconut oil, avocados and raw nuts. I stated following Isabel and i learned a lot and started trying different things it's helping me a lot a week ago i was weighing 230lbs now i honestly weigh 221lbs. I'm so glad that i've started to realize that i can actually do so much within my body just with food, i have so much to share with you all i am overwhelmed to share, it just amazes me what food alone does no meds!!!!!!
Did you know that when it seems that were losing our memory that it's because our ability to to absorb nutrients declines. It leaves your brain lacking in many of the critical nutrients it needsto handle the heavy workload,including remembering things you have to take in additional nutrients to keep your mind sharp. Okay i'm gonna give you some foods to Remove from your diet, these have hormone disrupting chemicals.
*Hydrogenated Fats
 *Refined Grains
*High fructose Syrup
*Artificial Sweetners
*Artificial coloring and preservatives
*Nitrates and nitraites
Reduce These Foods:
*Starchy vegetables
*Tropical, dried, and canned fruits
*soy products
*Canned foods with bisphenol-A (BPA)
Look for foods that came from the ground or had a mother.

Restore These Foods:
*Organic meat, fish,yogurt, and eggs
*Dark Green leafy veggies
*Nuts and Seeds
*Whole Grains
Rebalance your energy eat breakfast and don't skip meals, eat every 4 hours,don't eat after 9p.m and no carbs after 7 p.m., eat until your full but don't stuff yourself, eat 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein. I'm gonna give you some Master Foods That Boost Metabolism,Improves Mood ,Anti-Inflammatory, improves digestion and Healthy skin.
Metabilism:These recipes boost metabolism by faciliating the creation of fat burning,muscle-building hormones such as thyroid, HGH, DHEA, and testosteron while keeping stress and hunger hormones like cortisol and gherlin at bay.

Master Foods: all natural and organic fruits and vegetables,beans,legumes,seeds,nuts(with the exception of peanuts,cashews,macadamia nuts): organic lean proteins(poultry,meat,fish),yogurts, and whole grains(amaranth,barley,brown rice,millet,bulgur,quinoa,spelt)
Improves Mood: managing stress,fighting depression,facilitating sleep and inducing an overall calm by releasing serotonin and dopamine in the brain. B vitamins(especially B6,B9 and B12) protect brain cells,keep neurotransmitters circulating. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for health and happiness, as they help to build neuron membranes, and enhance neural transmission, and increase serotonin levels.

Anti -Inflammatory: These nutrients have natural anti-inflammatory properties that help with arthritis,joint pain, rehabilitating muscle strains.
Master Foods: clove,cinnamon,pineapple,ginger,tumeric and cumin
I wantyou to know i have lupus so usually for inflammation the doctors usually give me predinisone for inflammation so imagine not having to take something that destroys your kidneys, this is why i'm so deeply into researching foods and the differen affects they have on my body naturally with out chemicals. It's like not having enough oxgen to breath then all of a sudden you receive the oxgen and you can breath again. I know this was God sent he knows what i need. Improve your digestion with chili peppers,ginger,mint,papaya,pineapple, and yogurt also for healthy skin berries, olive oil, salmon,walnuts and yogurt it contains the fatty acids and or powerful antioxidants to help build and maintain healthy glowing skin.

In conclusion i just want to say this is just the half of what i have to share with you all so stay tuned to the next one coming your way with recipes and more foods and what way they help your bodies love you all and i really enjoy sharing.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Recession Proof Your Life!!!: Believe In Yourself!!

Recession Proof Your Life!!!: Believe In Yourself!!: "Hello everyone just want to share somethings with you all, and maybe just maybe it will touch on something you've been wrestling with in you..."

Friday, February 25, 2011

Believe In Yourself!!

Hello everyone just want to share somethings with you all, and maybe just maybe it will touch on something you've been wrestling with in your life. I wanna start by saying that life is not a joke and it's sad to see that so many people take it for granted, i awake everyday thanking God for another day to have a chance to do better than yesterday and i try really hard not to waste time on things that is not gonna better my life. God is always first in my life he is the head of my life. Take today and the rest of these days to come and do some analyzing of one's self and set some serious goals in your life, post them were you can always see them. It's alot of people out here that stereo type people, if this is you you should stop doing so, like the quote "Can't judge a book by it's cover" this is oh so true God says only he can judge so what makes people think it's alright for them to judge. I know when i was younger and even several times as ive become older i use to worry about why certain type of men did'nt speak to me or talk to me was it my glasses or my skin complexion, my size or was it i just wasn't wild or loud enough or was it my cloths. I realized that it was'nt those people who made me who i am and that if, God was for me who can be against me and i thank God that i came threw the stage of worrying about what another person thinks of me or feels about me because i'm beautiful inside and out.
Recently ive embarked on a new business venture and yes because i'm a person that has tried plenty of business opportunities and have shared the concept with others some look and say here she go again, but you know i don't worry about that i use to and i really feel it is what has caused me to not suceed in my other ventures, words are powerful people very powerful and spirits from other people you wouldn't beleive unless you know what i'm talking about. I just want to tell you DO Not ALLOW people to steel your joy or stop you for doing the positive things in your life because seriously some people do not want to see you suceed. I'm just seriously so excited about my new business , for once iv'e found something that's an NO Brainer 0 entry fee,only a $21 support fee that inclds. website,training,marketing tools and more and it for once does depend on how many people on my team my accomplishments depend totally on me, i have shared it with others but you know how that goes but thats why i'm so excited because it does'nt matter if they do or don't my success does'nt depend on no one else but me.
So people keep striving for what you want in your life, stay focused on the positive and watch what manifests in your life and don't let others speak negativity into your life and if your not afraid to move your cheese your welcome to join me in my venture. Just take a look it never hurts to look. Go to http://www.avionenergy.net/sareena go to the lower left and watch the Gold Mail Presentations you wont regret it.