Sunday, April 24, 2011

Best Eating Plan To Lose Weight!!

                       Hello everyone i just want to began by introducing myself. My name is Sareena saulter born and raised in Detroit all my life. I love food so very much my Great Grandmother and Grandmoters allways cooked from scratch ,there's nothing liked so umm umm good to my stomach and thats how i like to cook today. I'm not gonna sit here and say that i don't cut a little corners but i do but when i cook my main joy i get is seeng my family happy and enjoying it. I make sure when i cook i put total love into it, i know that my grandmothes have put total love into there's. I trully mis there cooking.
                      My whole reason for this blog and the talking of food is in 1988 i was diagonoised with Lupus Nephritis and since that point i had to change the way i eat for instance hot dogs, sausages,lunchmeat and a lot of other processed foods i was unable to eat. It was an hard task sometimes i did i sometimes i did'nt. I was 18 when i was diagnoised with lupus i'm 42 yrs old now and altough it was just as important then, ight now today in my life it's even more important.
                     I became very interested in how different foods and medicines affected my body so i started doing research on different things from food to  med, so i want to share with you all some things that i know will also be very helpful to you all to and how important that Organic foods are for our health. Sugar is your enemy for instance bet you did'nt know orange juice, salad ressing,wheat bread, muffins this is just to name a few it turns straight to sugar. There are carbs that help you burn fat Breads made with Sprouted Grain,rice,spelt,millet and Quinoa also sweet potatoes with a little butter and cinnamon. Do you know that there are Good Fats and Bad Fats Fats that will cause you to gain fat are Hydronated Oils,Canola Oil, Margarine and substitute butter. That really scared me because all i use to buy is margarine or the imatation butters and wow canola oil was my thing.You wouldn't believe that real butter is an fat you must eat to lose fat also whole eggs, coconut oil, avocados and raw nuts. I stated following Isabel and i learned a lot and started trying different things it's helping me a lot a week ago i was weighing 230lbs now i honestly weigh 221lbs. I'm so glad that i've started to realize that i can actually do so much within my body just with food, i have so much to share with you all i am overwhelmed to share, it just amazes me what food alone does no meds!!!!!!
Did you know that when it seems that were losing our memory that it's because our ability to to absorb nutrients declines. It leaves your brain lacking in many of the critical nutrients it needsto handle the heavy workload,including remembering things you have to take in additional nutrients to keep your mind sharp. Okay i'm gonna give you some foods to Remove from your diet, these have hormone disrupting chemicals.
*Hydrogenated Fats
 *Refined Grains
*High fructose Syrup
*Artificial Sweetners
*Artificial coloring and preservatives
*Nitrates and nitraites
Reduce These Foods:
*Starchy vegetables
*Tropical, dried, and canned fruits
*soy products
*Canned foods with bisphenol-A (BPA)
Look for foods that came from the ground or had a mother.

Restore These Foods:
*Organic meat, fish,yogurt, and eggs
*Dark Green leafy veggies
*Nuts and Seeds
*Whole Grains
Rebalance your energy eat breakfast and don't skip meals, eat every 4 hours,don't eat after 9p.m and no carbs after 7 p.m., eat until your full but don't stuff yourself, eat 40% carbs, 30% fat, 30% protein. I'm gonna give you some Master Foods That Boost Metabolism,Improves Mood ,Anti-Inflammatory, improves digestion and Healthy skin.
Metabilism:These recipes boost metabolism by faciliating the creation of fat burning,muscle-building hormones such as thyroid, HGH, DHEA, and testosteron while keeping stress and hunger hormones like cortisol and gherlin at bay.

Master Foods: all natural and organic fruits and vegetables,beans,legumes,seeds,nuts(with the exception of peanuts,cashews,macadamia nuts): organic lean proteins(poultry,meat,fish),yogurts, and whole grains(amaranth,barley,brown rice,millet,bulgur,quinoa,spelt)
Improves Mood: managing stress,fighting depression,facilitating sleep and inducing an overall calm by releasing serotonin and dopamine in the brain. B vitamins(especially B6,B9 and B12) protect brain cells,keep neurotransmitters circulating. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for health and happiness, as they help to build neuron membranes, and enhance neural transmission, and increase serotonin levels.

Anti -Inflammatory: These nutrients have natural anti-inflammatory properties that help with arthritis,joint pain, rehabilitating muscle strains.
Master Foods: clove,cinnamon,pineapple,ginger,tumeric and cumin
I wantyou to know i have lupus so usually for inflammation the doctors usually give me predinisone for inflammation so imagine not having to take something that destroys your kidneys, this is why i'm so deeply into researching foods and the differen affects they have on my body naturally with out chemicals. It's like not having enough oxgen to breath then all of a sudden you receive the oxgen and you can breath again. I know this was God sent he knows what i need. Improve your digestion with chili peppers,ginger,mint,papaya,pineapple, and yogurt also for healthy skin berries, olive oil, salmon,walnuts and yogurt it contains the fatty acids and or powerful antioxidants to help build and maintain healthy glowing skin.

In conclusion i just want to say this is just the half of what i have to share with you all so stay tuned to the next one coming your way with recipes and more foods and what way they help your bodies love you all and i really enjoy sharing.

1 comment:

  1. Very informative! Over the past few years I have dramatically changed the things i put into my body.Learning to eat to be healthy is a life-long learning process especially when you learn to eat for comfort. Good luck & keep the info coming!
